The Greedy Dog
The Greedy Dog
The story was collected in Gulu District, which is located in Acoliland, a cultural region in Northern Uganda inhabited by the Acoli people who speak the Acoli language. Traditionally, people in this region were skilled hunters who used nets and spears and kept domestic animals like goats, cats, sheep, and dogs in their round huts.
In this story, Cat, Dog, and their owner, the hunter, live together in harmony as one happy family. However, one day, the hunter leaves the meat he had been cooking on the fire and entrusts Cat and Dog with the task of protecting it. Greed overtakes Dog, and he can't resist the temptation of the juicy meat, causing a rift in the once-happy family. This story serves as a warning about the destructive power of greed.
Book Details
Book Details
Type of Book: Folklore
Book's Lanuage:
Author/Curator: Diana Nawatene
Illustrator: Tony Mpungu
Reading Level
Reading Level
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